1- Blog more often... Maybe add a cartoon day. Saturday Sillies? Yep I like that.
2- Actually finish a story before starting a new one. (We all know this is a lost cause, but I need 1 goal I won't complete LOL)
3- Finish my historicals and submit them to either HQ, Avon or Zebra.
4- Stop obsessing over my Fictionwise Standings LOL (She says as she scrolls through another 400 books looking for her title LOL)
5- Get more organised. (Kell and AF you can stop laughing now.)
6- Work up my plan to be debt free by 2111.
7- Take that Canadian Environmental Law Course and pass it with Flying colors. (the first of many)
8- Get my drivers Licence.
9- Go to RT and have the time of my life. (Since I have no life this should be easily done LOL)
10- Read MORE!
11- Meet Adrian Paul.
12- Finaly release Hank from the cage he's been locked in. (You may scream in happiness now Sian hehe)
13- Did I mention reading more?
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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2- Actually finish a story before starting a new one. (We all know this is a lost cause, but I need 1 goal I won't complete LOL)
Wait, what? Isn't that the way it's done? Finish a story before starting a new one? More power to you!
3- Finish my historicals and submit them to either HQ, Avon or Zebra.
Good luck!
4- Stop obsessing over my Fictionwise Standings LOL (She says as she scrolls through another 400 books looking for her title LOL)
You do that too?
5- Get more organised. (Kell and AF you can stop laughing now.)
What is this "organized" of which you speak?
6- Work up my plan to be debt free by 2111.
I am laughing because it hurts.
8- Get my drivers Licence.
No comment.
9- Go to RT and have the time of my life. (Since I have no life this should be easily done LOL)
Have fun for me!
11- Meet Adrian Paul.
Stay away from my man.
Other than that-good list!
Love Ya!
When you figure out how to get organized, give me a call will ya? I need help with that too!
with you on the debt free thing. i am aiming for one year though. i am going to plow through it in the next twelve months. ha ha. we'll see.
happy tt. :)
WOO HOO! Here is for 2008! Let's make it a good one!
Woo hoo for Adrian Paul. I told hubby I didn't want DVDs for Christmas and he'd be in trouble if he bought any.
Except for Highlander the Series. I love me some Highlander.
Can I come if you meet Adrian Paul?
We'll have fun at RT, babe. Have no fear. My aim is to make sure you guys all leave saying, "Hey, Pittsburgh rocks."
'Cause it will.
Good luck getting all that done! I need to submit the book I've been editing the heck out of and just be done with it! LOL
I beginning to think actucally finishing a story before starting two or three more may be impossible. LOL! Gotta run with things while the muse is talking.
Happy TT!
I hope you manage to achieve all that. Good luck.
I don't even know who Adrian Paul is! I feel so out of the loop!
I would have to start a story in order to have number 2 apply. Good for you for starting so many. The Flatland Almanack --Damozel (adorable animals behaving oddly)
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