Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wordless Wednesday # 21


onwebcheck said...

Very nice picture you have here - Hapy WW! Wish you a nice Halloween :)

Unknown said...

Is that snow?

Happy WW!

Aline de Chevigny said...

LOL Breeni yup that's snow and it's delayed my flight Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not fair LOL

Happy Halloween


D. Renee Bagby said...

You know, killers would get away more often if they stopped leaving evidence like that. :p

impwork said...

Interesting shot :-)

Cinnamon Girl said...

Frosty! Had to scrape my car windows this morning =)

Anonymous said...

Is that frost or snow? Either way, I want some!!!

Happy Halloween!!

Ingrid said...

Don't see very well what it is, lol !

Anonymous said...

first snow? Happy WW.

Aline de Chevigny said...

LOL Gattina it's my footprint in the snow.

More like 2nd or 3rd snow teg but it keeps melting LOL


Serena said...

I too don't know what to make out of it. Glad someone had guess correctly about snow and your answer about the footprint. :)


Rebecca said...

Caught brown footed?

Happy WW! :P

Bren said...

Nice picture! I'd love to see some snow!

carrie said...

definitely not ready for snow. sounds like you're not either! happy ww!

Aline de Chevigny said...

LOL I Love snow, but this full fledged blizzard going on has grounded me at work LOL


catsynth said...

Wow, is that snow already?
Happy WW and Hallowe'en.

Shelia said...

Happy Halloween/WW! Great pic!