Thirteen Things about Aline de Chevigny
1-. People give you free candy.
2-. You get to pretend to be someone else for a day and it's ok.
3-. Scaring people is not only allowed, it's expected.
4-. Pumpkin pie! Need I say more?
5-. Fake Blood.... My sisters hate it Mwhahahahahahahaha
6-. Men in skimpy outfits...and it's their idea. **grin**
7-. My latest Halloween Romance Short Bare Bones, is being released by Red Rose Publications.
8-. I get to wear my cape. Hehehehehe
9-. My nephew finally looks like the little devil he is LOL
10-. Did I mention the free chocolate?
11-. Jack-o-Lanterns (Some of these are extremely cool)
12-. I'm not working. yaayyyyyyyyy
13-. It's an excuse to Party with my friends.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Free candy is always good!
I love Halloween too---but you are lucky; we don't get pumpkin pie till Thanksgiving!
I would love to leave a link, but you don't have your comments enabled to allow links to non-blogger posts :( But we are number 11 on the list! :)
Finally - I've been having problems posting on here :(
Free candy is good, but if you suck at coming up with Halloween costumes for the kiddos, you sort of dread Oct. 31st
congrats on #7!
The cape. Oh the cape.
And BTW my TT headers are free to whoever wants to use them. They are just my doodles and I love to share them.
Have a LOVELY LOVELY Halloween.
Love your list! Halloween is so fun! I can hardly wait to start getting ready. Happy T13!
LOL love the list. Free candy rules. As does Halloween!
I really need to start on my children's costumes. Thanks for the reminder. Happy TT.
The candy never makes it to the door in my house. I always buy more than I'll hand out, just so I have left overs. :D
Great list!
I love Halloween! Free candy is awesome and being someone else is a blast. :D
Happy TT!
Seeing my kids in their costumes.
You can't beat free candy!
In The Netherlands Halloween isn't like yours over here. It's fairly new over here. The decorations and costume parties are the biggest part, no trick and treat (no free chocolate... :-( )
Thanks for visiting my tink TT!
The men at my house would simply put they give your free candy for all 13!
My son, who is three, is already practicing saying "trick or treat"!
Happy TT!
Oh, and I forgot to say congratulations on number seven!!!
Free chocolate? I am SO there. *grin*
Fake blood's not bad, either. Or scantily-clad men. And a book release is darn exciting!
It's the large numbers of men in bad drag I could live without.
Happy TT!
Oh yes... I loooove Halloween. *wg* Decorating the house is one of my favorite things to do. Hehehe!
me luv free candy.
So do the kidlets :)
Yup, Candy!!! :)
Thanks for stopping by. Happy TT!
Oh I just loved this list!! I'm so in agreement w/ everyone of them and congrats on Bare Bones :) Thx for the visit too and come back often.
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