Since I can't send you all books, what I can do if send you each bookmark or cover flats of your choice.
So if you'd like a little something from me for making my birthday a raving success, send me an email to aline@ alinedechevigny. com (no spaces) and put Birthday Wish in the subject line.
In the email tell me what cover flat or bookmarks you'd like and your home address so I can send them to you.
Now for the Winners..... The names were picked out of a winter tuque by a co-worker hhehe
Ashlyn Chase
Sandra Erskine
Rhonda aka Blessed_heart
If you three ladies would please email me with Birthday Winner in the subject line and tell me which book you'd like from the following. I can send it out to you.
The books you may choose from are:

Luck of the Irish - Paranormal Contemporary
Blurb: When Dina’s boss assigns her to review a local family restaurant called Luck of the Irish on St. Patrick’s Day of all days, she isn’t happy. Upon entering the establishment and seeing all the staff dressed as Leprechauns, she expects passable food and annoyingly cheerful service. What she got left her breathless.

Merry Christmas to Me – Contemporary Romance
Blurb: Jennifer was having the worst Christmas ever. She'd just quit her job, her ex had happily married some blonde Barbie doll and the man of her dreams didn't even know she was alive.
Franko was through with women, or so he thought until the hottest little spitfire he'd ever met walked into him and set him straight. He now had five days until she left the mine for good to convince her that he was the Christmas gift of her dreams.

Bare Bones – Halloween Paranormal Romance
Blurb: On the run from the Lycan who turned him during the full moon on All Hallows Eve, Christian Clarke isn't happy when he finds Joanna wandering through the woods searching for him. His inner wolf refuses to leave her side, yet his inner man wishes to keep her at arm’s length for fear that he won't be able to control his inner demons. Hearing her whispered profession of love, he reveals himself. Can he keep her safe from the pack that hunts him? Will Joanna love the beast he's become?
Again thank you all for entering. **Smooches**
Aline de Chevigny
Is Happily Ever After your thing? Travel the path of love with Aline de Chevigny!
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