1- Going to my Uncle's 50th Birthday Celebration
2- Playing Dungeons and Dragons and kicking ass with my family
3- Finishing my latest Thriller Novel (56K and counting)
4- Hooking up my New Computer Monitor (It's soooo purrrteeee)
5- Rearanging my livingroom to give myself more room.
6- The Game Plan...(I laughed till my sides hurt. Man I love the Rock)
7- Seeing my Nephews and picking on them
8- Happy that my Dad made Stew so I don't have to cook
9- I got some awesome new research books to play with. (New stories here I come)
10- I got to buy some new clothes
11- Red Rose Publications has an awesome new Valentine's day contest.
12- I still have a week off before I go back to work
13- I don't have to clean the house until tomorow
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Fun list, happy TT.
You've been busy!
I want to see the Rock movie, too; I threw it on the Netflix queue. I know what the Tour Manager will say when he finds it...
I thought The Game Plan looked pretty corny, but I've heard it's really good. I may have to check it out.
Happy TT!
yeah i love the Rock too.. the first time i saw him as a wrestler i was amazed that his neck was the same width as his head :) very impressive
here's my linkypoo since you don't allow me to sign in with a nickname and an url.. My thursday thirteen click click click
I've always wondered what Dungeons & Dragons is all about. Glad you're kicking ass!
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