Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday # 23


D. Renee Bagby said...

That is a very strange picture. like the owner of this blog.

and, you should see the end of CCS. It rocked. So did the second movie that wrapped it all up.

happy ww!

Unknown said...

That totally looks like my ex-boyfriend. Kidding! Hi, Aline!

Patti said...

Creepy ... but in a funny way! ;) Happy WW!!!

Aldon Hynes said...

Is that the Gecko from the TV ads.

"So, I've been spending my time trying to get people to buy this insurance, and I've been thinking, there has to be something more to life."

Ingrid said...

How cute ! Looks so inspiring, lol !

Heart of Rachel said...

That's so amusing. :) Thanks for visiting.

Unknown said...

Happy WW & Thanksgiving! Great WW photo! That is one comfortable looking salamander...

My WW post featured actor killed off this week on The Unit television show. Don't tell anyone, but, I cried at the end (sigh).

peace, Villager

jennyr said...

that's so funny! i like his pose!

Michelle said...

Hi Aline.
Thanks for the blog visit.Could the gecko be any more comfortable???Happy WW.

MammaMayMiller said...

whoah...! What a bizarre, surreal picture. But really funny at the same time :o) Have a great day

Anonymous said...

reminds me of the Geico gecko :)

impwork said...

Cool :-)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I love the teeny chaise! He looks like he wants a brandy.

Sandee said...

What a handsome devil he is too. Have a great WW. :)

Natalie said...

That's really funny! :)

My WW is up too!

Shannon said...

That is cute but I think I am jealous of the lizard. I need a chair like that in my size to curl up on and read.

TorAa said...

May I have a baite (of your legs) please?
- OK - I know it's expensive, but, but
- Only a bite? Frie it
- Have no oil
- haha - I then jump to the next comment

TorAa said...

OK - I have oils, what kind to you prefere?
- Sustainable
- what the... you mean
- I'm sustainable, I jump to another url---

excellent WW contibution

Leeann said...

I like it! When I was younger my family had an iguana. My younger sisters would always dress it up in barbie clothes! LOL

RW said...

Thats me this weekend :D

Che said...

hahaha so cute!!thanks for sharing!
