Excerpt Unedited:
Dekland paced the confines of his suite at the Four Seasons hotel angrily. It had taken his men over a week to find that little tart Yvette, only to learn that she’d run straight to that false King Cain. Things were about to come to a head. It was a little sooner than he expected for this face off but he could work with that.
First, he had to get the woman away from that weak willed pup who was standing in the way of taking over this city. A quick challenge to the death and he’d have everything that rightly belonged to him without the need to worry about watching his back. “Eric, get me an update on where my little tart is now. I want to know the minute the false King let’s her out of his sight.”
“Yes my lord.”
Turning back to the spectacular view afforded him from the penthouse suite he’d claimed as his own, Dekland closed his eyes. He needed to blow off some excess energy. “Claira, bring me the woman I requested this morning. I’m in the mood for a little fun while I wait.”
“Yes Lord Summersand.”
Taking a seat on the leather couch, he steepled his fingers before his face and watched the terrified woman stumble into the room. She was a pretty little thing, all blond and curvaceous, with crystal clear blue eyes that acted as windows for her terror. He’d desired her from the moment he’d seen her walking through the hotel lobby that morning. A few pointed questions to the hotel manager, informed them that she was a guest in the hotel and his men did all the rest. Because they all knew that anything he wanted, he got or people got hurt. “Welcome my beauty.”
“Where am I? Why am I here?”
Flashing her, his best smile, Dekland leaned back against the couch arrogantly. “You my beauty are here because I requested it.”
“Well, I’d like to thank you for the flattering compliment but I really need to go now.”
“You my little Goldie Locks aren’t going anywhere, not, that is until you satisfy my every desire. Now strip, I wish to see the entire package without the wrapping.”
Happy Tuesday
Aline, sounds like an excellent story. I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks for the preview.
Thanks Debbie, I'm in a dark mood today LOL so I went that way on my post.
I'm guessing he's the villian. But you went the right way. It left me intrigued. So now I have to buy it.
Yup he's the villain, but I don't think he's mean enough LOL
I strongly urge everyone to buy the Antho when it comes out, all proceeds (100%) Goes to the Wolf Sanctuary.
well damn, I don't like him, not one little bit.
Nice tease!
well damn, I don't like him, not one little bit.
Nice tease!
LOL Thanks Michelle.
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