Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wordless Wednesday # 3


Patrick said...

Man that's alot of work. I've done pumpkins like this before so I know how time consuming this is. kudos and thanks for stopping by my blog.

Windows Wide Open said...

How NEAT!! I like the first one best of all, but they're all fascinating!


Ingrid said...

That's amazing what they can do with a melon ! I saw some of these sculptures in Egypt with all kind of fruits or vegetables.

Jenny said...

OMG! I didn't realize that was a watermelon at first...yowsie!

Angela said...

Some people have just amazing talents. This is one:-). Have a great day!

jennyr said...

ooh! i remember seeing this in one of my fwd emails...very nice pieces of work, so artistic!

Anonymous said...

those are so cool!! happy WW!

Rebecca said...

That first one doesn't look real - that's very good detail! My WW is up at

Bianca D'Arc said...

You know I love that 2nd one! LOL

Cheri said...

I had to do a double take to see that it was melon.

Sherry said...

That's so much work for something that perishes, but it's all amazing.